你是不是星期三也要考试? 我觉得写作手法不同 可以从作家的风格入手分析 还有就是情节上,海明威是用爱情故事,而kurt是现实和超现实结合,同样是反战,武器写的更直接,而第五较晦涩 我倒,大家都印答案了,你敢不敢去6舍找同学印一份~ 答案大家都印了,主要是女同学基本都有,可是我们被欺骗了,老师给我们的那份题基本上是一道也没出,幸好你没有去被她误导,唉,mrs马太坏了

《第五屠场》在线观看地址:/csvod/60125.html 欢迎把《第五屠场》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影第五屠场讲述:影片取材自同名小说,以二战为背景的奥德赛传奇,穿越多个时空和幻想场景。经Glenn Gould授权,该片采用了他演奏的巴赫音乐。Plot Summary forSlaughterhouse-Five (1972)"Listen: Billie Pilgrim has come unstuck in time." The opening words of the famous novel are the quickest summary of this haunting, funny film. Director Hill faithfully renders for the screen Vonnegut's obsessive story of Pilgrim, whosurvives the 1945 firebombing of Dresden, then lives simultaneously in his pastas a young American POW, in the future as a well-cared-for resident of a zoo on the planet Tralfamadore, and in the present as a middle-aged optometrist in Ilium, N.Y.Summary written by Anonymous
